Noor ul haq Javascript Developer πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» πŸš€

About Me

I am a result-oriented, self-motivated React/React Native developer with experience of working with different startups and a few freelance projects. I have been learning and working with different Javascript tools and technologies for quite some time. I find server-side development very interesting and have been learning Docker, a little bit of Kubernetes and Microservice Architecture recently. I love building products and learning new technologies.

My Expertise



  • React/React Native

An app that lets people order their food without having to wait in queue in cafes.

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  • React Native

Professional, college, video game or personal fitness challenges; you pick your own game, you set your own spread, choose your challenge and set your dollar amount.

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  • React/React Native

It’s an ordering app that lets customers at a restaurant place their order without having to wait for a waiter.

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  • React Native/NodeJS

Web and mobile that shows the best deals in different catagories in your city.

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